Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ask Dr. Blourchian: what's the best advice you ever received?

There are two pieces of advice that have shaped my decision-making in dentistry and life. The first one is "WIDIOM" rule, short for "Would I Do it on Me," which sometimes clarifies sometimes complex treatment decisions in dentistry.

The next one would be the one rule I learned from my all time favorite book, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Steven Covey. It is by far the most helpful book I have ever read. That rule is called "Universal Laws." It simply states that there are invisible, but easy to discover and understand laws that govern our world. They are as real and as inescapable as the laws of gravity. They govern our lives, have been there from the very beginning of time, and will be there until the end of time. We can not break these laws, we can only break ourselves against these laws.

The only sure way to achieve happiness, satisfaction and peace of mind in life is to obey these laws as we obey the law of gravity for example. We all know them: Honesty, Integrity, Fidelity, Hard Work, etc. This book and this particular law have verified and confirmed my previously vague feelings. Steven Covey has been a tremendous influence on my life, my family and my business. I highly recommend his book to everyone.

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